Welcome to UVa Problem Hints
• If you are new in UVa Online Judge please at first read "Input Output Method".
• Please read the problems first and try to solve it by yourself.
• If you stuck and don't find the solution of the problem, then look at the explanation given in this site.
• In UVA Problem Hints hints of problems are given volume wise. Selecting a problem from a specific volume you get hints of problem under that volume. Hints for all problems are not available. But the number of problem hints will be increased day by day.
• We classify the problems difficulty as trivial, easy, medium, and hard. Trivial problem are so easy to solve and solving trivial problems is good practice for beginners.
• Beside problem hints you can generate correct outputs for your own inputs for a specific problem. • By clicking Copy Critical Input you get some critical inputs for a specific problem in input box. Generating outputs for these critical inputs you must get help for solving problems. Critical inputs will be increased and updated by the help of inputs tested by people (solvers). |