11049 - Basic wall maze
Solution Description : BFS problem some extra work First you need to non reachable node for three wall input c1 r1 c2 r2 if r1==r2 -----for i=c1+1 to c2 --------- (i,r1+1) not reachable from (i,r1) and (i,r1) not reachable from (i,r1+1) if c1==c2 ----for i=r1+1 to r2 ------- (c1+1,i) not reachable from (c1,i) and (c1,i) not reachable from (c1+1,i) Now run bfs from stating position to end position for each position(c,r) you got 4 adjacency position (c,r-1), (c,r+1), (c-1,r), and (c+1,r) if any adjacency position not out of boundary and reachable from (c,r) then it push to queue. |